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Change Starts Here

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We seek to provide products that are able to be reused and truly recycled. The idea is to


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We seek to provide products that are able to be reused and truly recycled. The idea is to


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We seek to provide products that are able to be reused and truly recycled. The idea is to


In This Together

We don't have a second planet to live on and quite honestly, we shouldn't need too because Earth is great. We can make it better. 


Here at HappyGrounds, we believe that just replacing a single everyday item with a zero-waste or plant-based product can help keep our mother earth happy. We understand that creating a zero-waste lifestyle may not be easy at first or even affordable, that's why it is our mission to provide products that can be sold at their lowest market rates. We invite you to give it a try!

We’ve partnered with top rated manufacturers to ensure that our products are safe, and cruelty free.


All of the products we carry have been used by us, our friends and family to ensure you are receiving the highest quality. We want you to feel comfortable in taking it one step at a time. 


Olena Nicks

Founder & CEO

With a desire to use less plastic and protect our earth, Olena always knew she wanted to find a way to create a life around these. Growing up in a marginalized community where the effects of global warming are most felt, Olena wanted a way to ensure all individuals had access to sustainable products - and at an affordable price. Happy Grounds was born from Olena's desire to provide a solution for individuals who are looking to start living a cleaner, sustainable lifestyle, while trying leaving to leave a positive impact on the planet.



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